I Am Your Friend

When a major motion picture only earns 1.8 million dollars its opening weekend there is a real problem. There are fingers to point and people to blame. This past weekend We Are Your Friends was the movie guilty of that horrendous box office performance. Kevin Lincoln at Vulture does an…
Hollywood Sugar

Warning Spoilers Ahead

It’s bound to happen, and when it does, it will without a doubt ruin your day. Sometimes when it happens it will be entirely your fault. Other times a mean spirted friend may be the cause of your discomfort. Regardless of whom is doing it, there definitely need to be…
Hollywood Sugar

The End Of The Mad Men Era

A wise soul once said, “Sometimes it’s the journey that teaches you a lot about your destination”, and with Mad Men wrapping up its final season last night that quote seems especially poignant. When a close up of a smiling Don Draper (Maybe Dick Whitman) cut to the famous “If…
Hollywood Sugar

Star Wars: Endings Are Hard

The new trailer for the upcoming Star Wars movie was released last week, and everyone collectively lost their minds, myself included. Like clockwork, when Star Wars talk hits the mainstream media and enters into the news cycle someone inevitably asks the question “What is your favorite Star Wars movie?” and…
Hollywood Sugar